mx player x86解碼包

找到這篇真是幸運. 我的是Asus Fonepad, x86架構的, 解法: 1. 安裝MX Player 1.7.18 2. 下載DTS解碼包: 第一個裝了x86_SSE3就能用了, 就沒再試x86_SSE2了 選軟解音訊, 聲音終於出來了!

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Total Video Player is a powerful media player that supports numerous formats. The application supports 3gp, Mp4, H264, Mov, Flv and all other popular video and audio formats (Mp3, Wma, Ogg, Mp...

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  • 找到這篇真是幸運. 我的是Asus Fonepad, x86架構的, 解法: 1. 安裝MX Player 1.7.18 2. 下載DTS解碼包: http://forum.xda...
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